Now you can send personalised messages to all your contacts on their birthday automatically, saving time, effort and money.
Send automated and personalized birthday message on their timeline or in Facebook Messenger. Create multiple versions of the Happy Birthday message and let the system send out from your selection.
This is a great way to forge new relationships and cement current relationships
When You Post Happy Birthday For The First Time On Your Contacts Time
FB Messenger has someting magical to it. This is moreso when conducting conversations over extended periods of time. There is a bonding that takes place leading to stronger one to one relationships
Founders Alex & Glenda
Through FB messenger it is a mechanism where one is able to build a great relationship with your contacts It inevitably serves as a breeding ground for generating a tribe of raving fans...
Birthdays are probably the most personal thing in ones life and when you communicate with your contacts through this channel it is a measure of your integrity and it shows that you care. In other words it is a focal point of a good relationship and a personal one..
If you get this item now. This time piece is yours for the next
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